Hire a World Class Marketing Organization – for $1 a Day

With September's arrival around the corner, our industry once again celebrates Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM). Created and produced by LIFE Happens and promoted by carriers and industry organizations, LIAM is a purposeful effort to raise consumer awareness with respect to client vulnerabilities and the solutions we deliver. Go to LIFE Happens to use all of the tools and resources available to help promote LIAM. Danica Patrick is back as LIAM spokesperson with all-new videos promoting financial fitness.

For one month each year our industry makes a concerted effort to shine a spotlight on our products and the services we provide. But what about the other 11 months of the year? How do we maintain, and take advantage of, the momentum generated by LIAM? Just as important, where do we as advisors fit into the equation? If a consumer is motivated to take action and handle their protection needs, who will they call and why? Millions of Americans need help — but will they ask you for direction?

 As much as the internet might help consumers research their protection needs and potential solutions, the majority still turn to life insurance professionals to help them navigate the maze of companies and products. And there remains a very important role to be played by a trusted advisor: simplifying what is complex and helping consumers sleep at night. How are you and your firm positioned given this enormous opportunity? Think about the ways you need to market to Generation X and Millennials who now represent 145 million wallets. (Related: Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as America's largest generation – Pew Research Center) Marketing is now a multi-faceted, comprehensive and ongoing process that is a critical addition to efforts that are event driven. You need to be and remain visible and available to clients and prospects.

If you are interested in expanding your business by addressing the protection needs of a huge and affluent, yet untapped market, then you need to be constantly connecting with prospects and building your brand. LIAM is a one-month program to soften the beaches, so to speak, but your disciplined and ongoing consistent push will ensure success. But how to do this?

Did you know you could plug into a cutting edge and comprehensive marketing platform for a cost of next to nothing? To me, what the Life Happens organization has built is one of the most powerful yet under-used marketing engines available in any industry.

Specifically, the Life Happens Pro package gives you the tools to push your brand, educate consumers, and establish yourself as a trusted advisor. Keep in mind that this is all about helping consumers understand their protection needs and vulnerabilities, be it life, disability or long term care, and there is never a product or carrier push. Fully customizable resources include:

  • Flyers, brochures and infographics
  • Social media content
  • Real life video stories
  • Turn-key email marketing campaigns
  • Need calculators
  • Insurance planning tools

Although there is a base level of tools available at no cost, the Life Happen Pro Plus package at $39/month is really where you want to start – and it offers a 30-day free trial so you can kick the tires. If you are truly interested in the future of your business and helping an underserved market, then I highly recommend this package. You will easily expand your brand without your budget taking a beating.

You can contact Life Happens directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (844) 824-5433; and feel free to contact me directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (800) 410-9890. 

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